NEW silkscreen print "Lake Boathouse"

Hey guys, I've got a brand new limited edition silkscreen of only 50 prints called "Lake Boathouse".

Printed by hand in my West London studio, this four colour print was so much fun to do. I love how the colours came out - it really makes you think of kayaking on crystal clear waters along tree-lined shores. I can smell the fresh air! There is something distinctly Scandinavian about this print.

"Lake Boathouse" is available HERE in the Mengsel Shop.

Please scroll down to see images of the making process of this limited edition print.

 "Lake Boathouse" by Luzelle van der Westhuizen

Colours mixed and ready to go.

Lining up the little red kayaks

Red layer being pulled. Aaah, fresh ink.

Red layer done.  Now it just needs to dry before the last green layer.

Making sure the green tree layer is perfectly in line before pulling the ink.

Pulling the green ink through the fine mesh screen onto paper.

Drying between layers.

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